Our Objectives

  1. To improve conditions of rural life so that settlement may be permanent and prosperous;
  2. To promote the theory and practice of agriculture;
  3. To arrange on behalf of its members for the purchase, distribution or sale of commodities, supplies or products;
  4. To act generally on behalf of its members in all matters incidental to agricultural pursuits and rural development


1   (1) The members of the institute are the subscribers of the constitution and the persons admitted to membership in accordance with these bylaws.

     (2) Every person desiring to become a member of the institute shall
          (a) apply to the secretary,
          (b) agree to conform to and abide by the bylaws of the institute and regulations made under the Farmers and Womens Institutes Act, and
          (c) pay the annual membership dues.

     (3) A family is entitled to join a farmers’ institute as a family, but only one adult member of the family is entitled to vote at a meeting of the institute.

Membership fees and voting

2   (1) Each member shall pay an annual fee of 50¢ payable
          (a)at the beginning of each fiscal year for existing members, and
          (b)at the time of becoming a member, for new members.

     (2) A member whose annual membership fee is unpaid is not entitled to hold office as a director or officer or to vote at any general meeting.

     (3) A member is not entitled to vote by proxy.

     (4) A new member is not entitled to vote at any general meeting of the institute until he has been a member of the institute for at least 14 days.

[am. B.C. Reg. 209/84, s. 2.]


3   The funds of the institute shall be devoted solely to the promotion of the objects of the institute as set out in the constitution.

Fiscal year

4   (1) Subject to subsection (2), the fiscal year of an institute commences on January 1 and ends on December 31.

Directors and officer

5   (1) Each institute shall have at least 5 directors including the president and the vice president.

     (2) The president, the vice president and the other directors shall be elected at the annual general meeting of the institute and the vote shall be by a show of hands, unless a majority of members present require the vote to be by secret ballot.

     (3) The president, the vice president and the other directors hold office until the end of the annual general meeting at which their successors are elected.

     (4) The directors may appoint a secretary and a treasurer who need not be directors.

     (5) The remuneration, if any, of the secretary and treasurer shall be determined by the institute at a general meeting.

     (6) The president shall preside at all meetings of the directors and of the institute, and when he is absent or unable or unwilling to act the vice president shall act in his place.

     (7) Casual vacancies among the officers or directors shall be filled by the remaining directors until the next annual general meeting, and the secretary shall notify
          (a)the superintendent, in the case of a farmers’ institute, or of all casual vacancies that have been filled.

     (8) In any case where the secretary or treasurer ceases to act, the president or vice president shall perform his duties until the vacancy is filled.

     (9) The quorum at a meeting of directors shall be not less than half the total number of directors.

     (10) The directors control the affairs of the institute and shall outline the work and the policies of the institute and present the policies to the members for their approval.

Borrowing power

6   The directors shall not borrow moneys in the name of the institute without an extraordinary resolution approving the borrowing.

Duties of secretary

7   The secretary shall
          (a) keep minutes of all meetings,
          (b) conduct the correspondence of the institute,
          (c) keep a register of the members, with their names and addresses, and
          (d) prepare and forward reports to
          (i) the superintendent, in the case of a farmers’ institute,
on forms supplied by the superintendent.

Duties of treasurer

8   (1) The treasurer or the secretary of the institute shall, at each general meeting, account for all moneys paid or received by the institute and present a report to the members present, but no disbursements shall be made without the permission of the directors.

     (2) The treasurer or the secretary shall prepare the annual financial statements of the institute made up to the end of the fiscal year.

Annual and general meetings

9   (1) The president or any 2 directors may convene a general meeting, and on a meeting being convened the secretary shall notify all members of the time and place where the meeting shall be held.

     (2) The secretary shall give 7 clear days notice in writing of the date, time and place of every annual or general meeting to every member at his recorded address and the secretary shall, when directed by the directors, advertise the meeting by the means that the directors determine.

     (3) If an annual or general meeting is not held on the day specified in the notice calling it, it shall stand adjourned to the same day in the following week at the same time and place, and if it be not then held, the directors shall call a fresh meeting.

     (4) At an annual or general meeting the quorum is 5 members.

     (5) At the annual general meeting the institute shall elect an auditor.

     (6) The directors shall, at the annual general meeting, present a written annual report of the affairs of the institute for the past year stating the number of meetings of the institute and the attendance at each, and be accompanied by a financial statement to the end of the fiscal year, audited and certified by the auditor.

     (7) The secretary shall forward a copy of the annual report and the financial statement to the superintendent after it has been presented, together with a list of the directors and officers who were elected at the meeting.
     (8) The order of proceedings at an annual general meeting shall, according to circumstances, be as follows:
          (a)call to order;
          (b)reading of convening notice;
          (c)reading and disposing of minutes of preceding meeting;
          (d)business arising out of minutes;
          (e)reports of standing and special committees;
          (f)reports of directors and auditors;
          (g)election of directors and auditors;
          (h)special business;
          (i)unfinished business;
          (j)new business.


10 (1) The institute may expel from membership, on a 3/4 majority vote of the members present at a general meeting, any member against whom an allegation has been made of conduct that is detrimental to the institute.
     (2) The allegation shall be in writing and be signed by at least 2 members in good standing and the member against whom the charge has been made shall be given at least 2 weeks notice in writing of the time and place when and where the matter will be considered by the institute.
     (3) Subsections (1) and (2) apply to the expulsion of officers and directors.

Custody of seal, records and other books of the institute

11 (1) The records and other books of the institute shall be in the custody of the secretary or treasurer and may be inspected by the directors or by any person appointed by the superintendent.
     (2) The records and books of the institute may be inspected by members at the close of any general meeting.

Amendment of bylaws

12 (1) These bylaws may not be altered or added to except by an extraordinary resolution of the institute.
     (2) Where an institute amends its bylaws, it shall submit a copy of the amendment to the superintendent for his approval.